May 1 2023

The Uni Student Me

This blog started when I was undertaking my Masters of Education – Teacher Librarianship. I’d moved my posts from our official CSU Thinkspace site here, so I could have a single place to record all of my thoughts, ideas and assessment posts.

Since I graduated in 2017, a lot has changed, and I’m currently partway through my PhD. This has been something I’ve been wanting to since I fell in love with university life way back in 1995, but there has always been something that has gotten in the way. The support of my wonderful partner, and the serendipitous discovery of my wonderful soon-to-be PhD supervisor has made me take the plunge. Scary? Sure. But extremely exciting.

The first time around, I found the whole postgrad student/ full time educator/ full time mother dynamic a difficult one to juggle. This time, I’ll be postgrad student/ hopefully part-time or casual teacher/ mother whose kids are all grown but who is also caring for her partner’s children after moving across the country to finally get to live with them.  This blog is likely to continue to be a mix of my uni musings, personal reflections, and book review posts. If anything I’ve posted here is of help to you, please let me know. If you’d like to chat about your experiences, or vent, or get some feedback on anything at all, I’m all ears. Or should that be “eyes”, since I’m more likely to be reading it? Anyway, whichever sensory organ you need of me, hit me up.

If you’re here to check out my MEd Teacher Librarianship posts, please note: I did not aim to HD my Masters. My life was/is busy, and something’s gotta give. I had to go with getting a HD in life and just Passing this course? That’s a sacrifice I was willing to make, despite the inner protests of my obsessive perfectionist heart. So, when you read my uni posts, read them with that frame of reference – this isn’t necessarily my best work, but it’s the best I was willing and able to do with the constraints of wanting to not sacrifice my family and work for this monstrous Masters beast. I hope you’re ok with that. I certainly am.

You’ll find a whole bunch of posts about my experiences studying for my Masters under the Uni Life post category. When I finally start posting anything PhD related, I’ll set up a category for those too. If you’re at some point on this study journey yourself, best of luck, and I hope these posts held you!